Friday, April 27, 2007


I have been really busy trying to get a new job. I have been working with this company XYZ for two and a half years and have become extremely technically proficient. I am in line to recieve a salary and get benefits but their offer is below market for someone of my skills and experience and so I give them a counter offer that is reasonable and I back up that offer with evidence as to why I think it is reasonable. XYZ talks to me for quite some time and never gives me any real evidence that my counter offer is unreasonable. I have since started looking for a new position at several other firms. Hopefully I will find one that meets my needs. I have at least one interview set up and I am hopeful. This job sounds great and is in a different field but doing similar work. I think I will have a great time. Wish me luck. If any of you that read my blog are looking to hire someone with my skills I will post a link to my resume, give me a response.


1 comment:

The Best Years said...

Nathan you will find something that works better for need to be in a position that gives you positive feedback. You are very talented and deserve the best. I love you very much! Reme posted a comment on one of your earlier posts. Check it out.

Love, Mom