Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Two piece knife plate flashing

Below you will find a two piece knife plate flashing sequence, section and elevation details.

1 comment:

The Best Years said...

Hi Nathan, how are you doing? Did you have a good time in Chelan with the girls? Reme and Lina got to spend a few hours together. Reme enjoyed herself. Will you guys be home on Sunday? I am planning on visiting if so. Let me know. Aunt Mel tells me that Ryan is back here in Seattle living with DJ and looking for a job. Maddie went back to San Diego and is living with a friend she worked with when she was down there before. She plans on going to a community college there next spring. Did you hear back from Jared? Reme plans to spend Thanksgiving with Jared and Jenni this year. Whitney will be coming home and Lina said you guys wanted to host Thanksgiving again. Suzy told me that they will be going to her parent's house again. Well sweetheart, hope all is going well. I love you and yours very much. Mom