Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Window Flashing Drawings

The above images were created to illustrate how to integrate metal flashing at window to metal and fiber cement panel siding (Hardie). We create the envelope of the building to integrate as much of the architectural design and integrity as possible. In some instances design of the building envelope is compromised by the aesthetic design. In these instances we are required to add more expensive fixes and elements to get it to perform or change the design. It is critical in the early design process that an exterior envelope professional is hired to help drive the energy efficiency and durability of the project without compromising the design intent.

On a previous project where I was hired to manage the envelope and the architect we saw the architect and the developer's representative push a warehouse concept with floor to ceiling windows all around the building perimeter. This is a nightmare from an energy performance perspective and complicates construction immensely. I proposed using the tall skinny vertical window on a regular pattern much like warehouses of the past but limiting window are to 40% of the total wall area, allowing adequate daylighting as well as thermal performance. The project was sold prior to finish so we never got to see which style was incorporated. This design decision and many others need to be made in the beginning of a project to reign in the architect who is dreaming for the owner who is also dreaming.

Hire me tell me what your mission statement is and I will steer the design to ensure your goals are met.

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